Ultra-Spill Berm Low Profile

$1,164.24 (inc. GST)

SKU: CHU2052 Categories: ,


The Ultra-Spill Berm Low Profile offers a fast and effective spill response solution, diverting hazardous materials away from drains and other sensitive areas.


Key Features:

  1. Flexible 3-metre sections can be customised to meet specific length requirements.
  2. The unique urethane material “weeps” into small cracks and crevices, sealing off liquid flow.
  3. The berm is non-absorbent, making it easy to clean and reuse multiple times.
  4. Also available in black (CHU2050) to conceal dirt and grime.

Note: Due to the softer nature of urethane, the physical properties of these products may change when exposed to environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and UV radiation. Regular inspection of stored products is recommended to ensure they remain in good condition.


Common Applications:

  • Spill response: Quickly deploy the berm to contain and redirect spills, preventing hazardous materials from entering storm drains and contaminating waterways.
  • Temporary secondary containment: Use the berm to create a temporary barrier around leaking containers or equipment, adding an extra layer of protection against spills.
  • Sealing doorways during washdown operations: Place the berm at doorways to prevent water and cleaning solutions from escaping the washdown area, ensuring contaminants are contained.


CHU2052 Spill Berm Low Profile 3048 57 35 6


Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Can I cut the Ultra-Spill Berm?
Yes, the Ultra-Spill Berm can be cut to size with a utility knife or other sharp blade.  As always, be sure to wear the appropriate PPE and use caution when cutting.
  2. Can I connect Ultra-Spill Berms together if I need to protect more than 3-metre?
Yes, by using the optional connector (Product CHU2101), multiple berms can be joined together to form larger/wider containment areas.
  3. Do you have anything taller 57mm? I have the potential for some fairly large spills.
Yes, the Ultra-Spill Berm Plus is 114mm tall and designed for use when larger spills may occur.
  4. Your compatibility chart says ‘NR’ for the chemical that I’m using. What exactly does that mean?
‘NR’ stands for ‘Not Recommended’.  HOWEVER, it is worth noting that most chemical compatibility guides (ours included) are based on a one-year immersion test.  In other words, the material being tested is completely immersed in the chemical in question.  After one year, the material is removed and checked for any degradation.  Needless to say, a spill response product is not going to be exposed to a chemical for a year.  So it’s possible that the Ultra-Spill Berm will be effective against a spill of a chemical that is listed as ‘NR’. The best way to know for sure is to test for yourself.
  5.  Is there a way to make my Ultra-Spill Berm installation more permanent? Yes, cyanoacrylates can be used to bond the Ultra-Spill Berm to a surface.  Cyanoacrylates are a family of strong fast-acting adhesives commonly sold under names such as “Super Glue” and “Krazy Glue”.
  6. Can I leave the Ultra-Spill Berm outdoors?
The Ultra-Spill Berm is made with urethane and will degrade/break down in extended UV exposure.  It is recommended that spill berms only be exposed for as long as required to contain and clean up a spill.  Long-term outdoor use is not recommended.
  7. How do I clean the Ultra-Spill Berm after it’s been used?
Typically, a standard soap and water mixture is all that is needed to clean a spill berm.  Once it has been cleaned it should be allowed to air dry and then returned to its original packaging.
  8. Is the Ultra-Spill Berm reusable? Yes, it is reusable provided that it has not been exposed to a chemical that has caused any degradation.
  9. How should the Ultra-Spill Berm be stored? The Ultra-Spill Berm should be stored in a cool, dry area in the carrying case that it is shipped in.  An optional hard-plastic carrying case is available (Product CHU2104) if sturdier packaging is desired.  It is important that the Ultra-Spill Berm does not touch itself because, over time, the touching areas will fuse together.  This can be prevented by using the cardboard separators in the case the unit is shipped in or by wrapping the entire spill berm with plastic sheeting.
  10. Can I drive over it?It is not recommended that the Ultra-Spill Berm be driven over.  The softer nature of the material can be damaged under vehicle tires and other equipment.





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